Thursday, January 19, 2012

UAMS Listing Decision

On Friday, January 13, I had a call from Fadell Powell (Pre transplant coordinator at UAMS) to say that the transplant committee had been able to meet, and had voted in favor of putting me on the transplant list!!!!! The official listing will take place Tuesday, Jan. 17 (Monday is MLK holiday at the state). So, my waiting time will begin official from that date. However (and there is a always a however), I will be listed as inactive for 2 reasons:  (1) I still have one potential living donor candidate--Kathleen Butler--in the evaluation process; and (2) I still have some residual native kidney function and Dr.Abul-ezz, the transplant surgeon, believes I ought to get the most out of it that I can before I face all the side effects of the anti-rejection drugs. As soon as my nephrologist notes a downturn in my function, I am to call UAMS to let them know I want to be on the active list. Hopefully, I would be transplanted soon after that. If Kathleen turns out to be a viable candidate, then the decision to go forward will depend on her schedule, mine, my kidney function, etc. It would be nice if I could avoid dialysis altogether and go directly to a transplant.

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