Monday, February 13, 2012

Potential Live Donor

I had a call this morning from Terry Seyler, one of my quilter friends who now lives in central Texas. She called to ask about being a live donor, saying that she's been praying and thinking about it for weeks. Everyone else that's volunteered has been ruled out, so this gives me hope again. She said she's type O blood, which is great because that matches me. She doesn't have diabetes, nor does it run in her family. Her mother is still alive, although her dad died of cancer about 7 or 8 years ago. I think it was liver cancer, but can't really remember. She said she will call Sue Weeks, UAMS live donor coordinator to start the process. Terry also said that she's on the national bone marrow donor list; that could mean she's passed a lot of the initial tests for being a donor. I hope so. Her call made me teary and grateful, like all these offers have done. The idea of someone offering to give me a second chance at life is so overwhelming that I cannot describe it in words, except to say thank you, thank you, thank you.

I also had a call today from Bruce Furbush, who volunteered to be tested but was told that, at age 65, he's too old to be a donor. Anyway, he called to find out how I was doing, and in that call he told me that he was surprised at the level of detail that the donor questionnaire went into. He said that there were some questions that he was not able to answer, and had no way of knowing the answer to. I asked him to give me an example of such a question. And he said "Well, one of the questions was for me to state how old YOU are. I told them that was a closely guarded national secret and I wasn't sure you would tell me even for a transplant."

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