Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Earring Maids

Today I have an appointment with the audiologist to get my hearing aids. I had my hearing tested about a month ago, and Dr. Cashman confirmed that I have significant hearing loss in both ears at the high end of the range of human voices. That means that men's voices are easier for me to hear and understand than women's voices. I have mostly noticed that I have a problem when I'm watching TV--a lot of times I just do not hear clearly enough to understand the dialog. Tonight we are having dinner with my sister and her husband at their house.They are in town for a week. She served salt free pollo con calabase and O'doul's alcohol free beer. The beer tasted surprisingly good. I wore my hearing aid; it will take some getting used to. Voices sound a little tinny, but the audiologist said it's because I'm hearing some of the higher pitched sounds that I no longer heard. She said in time that will sound normal again. I only got the hearing aid for my right ear because the one for my left ear did not fit perfectly. It felt like it was too long, and it touched my eardrum. The audiologist tried polishing it down, but when I continued to feel the tip against my eardrum, she said she'd send it back. It will be close t 2 weeks before it comes back, so she rescheduled my next two appointments. I told her that I thought I might be close to geting a kidney transplant because of where I am on the transplant list. She was very understanding and said only that if I went to the hospital, not to take my hearing aid with me because nurses and aids were notorious for throwing them away when they cleared away food trays or cleaned the the room. She said as soon as I knew anything, call them and cancel the appointments.

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