Monday, May 13, 2013

May 13, 2013--one year anniversary

On Sunday, May 13, 2012, I received my kidney transplant at Baylor All Saints Hospital in Ft. Worth. It has been a wonderful year, full of recovering strength, a return to my old zest for life. The day of the transplant was also Mother's Day, and I still feel for the mother who lost her 27 year old son a few days before the transplant.

Ramiro and I have been reminiscing for several days, reliving the events from the time we arrived in Dallas for a weekend with his family, to the time I got the phone call from transplant coordinator Bettina Herrerra-Go on Saturday morning just before we went down to the hotel breakfast, to my having 21 tubes of blood drawn at Baylor Dallas, then the drive to Ft. Worth and the long wait on Saturday to find out if the tissue typing was a match. That Sunday was mostly a blur for me, since I was taken into surgery very early, met with the transplant surgeon, Dr. Onaca, and then spent the next three hours under anesthesia. The rest of that Sunday, at least until about 5 pm I just sort of dozed off and on.

Yesterday Ramiro gave me an anniversary card. It has been a hard year for him, although perhaps not as hard as the year before, when I was so sick all the time. After church yesterday, we went to breakfast and then came home, only to find out that Guero and Connie had decided to have a mother's  day breakfast at their home. We skipped it and instead we went to the Perot Museum of Science. It is a fantastic place! After the museum we went to Red Lobster for an early dinner. I had my favorite--Caesar salad with grilled salmon. Yummmmm!  I had been craving salmon since the day before, because we went to Christina's graduation (TWU) lunch at Jinbeh, a hibachi style Japanese restaurant. Guero ordered grilled salmon that looked soooo good.

One of the things I have noticed after the transplant is that I crave salmon more often. I've always liked it, but now it seems I think of having it more often than I used to. Wonder if the donor liked salmon?

Here is a picture of me taken yesterday.

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