Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Two Year Anniversary

Today is the two year anniversary of my kidney transplant. The transplant actually took place on a Sunday, which was Aldo Mother's Day that year. So I celebrate both on Mother's Day and on the actual date--May 13. I've written to the donor's family, but did not hear back from them, so I may never know anything more about the donor. May he rest in peace, and may his family find peace in their grief.

I am doing really well at my last transplant clinic visit on March 30, my creatinine was 0.5!  It has hovered between 0.5 and 0.7 at every visit. I am now gown to 3 clinic visits a year. There are two things I need to improve on--my weight (now at 112), and the fact that I've developed osteoporosis in my pelvis and osteopenia in my spine. The bone density problems are caused by the steroids I take, which also contribute to my weight gain. I weighed 107 right before the transplant, then dropped to 105 after the transplant. I need to get back in that range again. I have been prescribed Actonel 35 for the osteo issues.

This last week I've been diagnosed with having a torn rotator cuff in my right shoulder. I was given a steroid shot in my shoulder and that seems to be helping a lot. Of course, I still hear all the grinding noises when I move my arm. Dr. Heinzelmann, the orthopedic doctor said I have developed bone spurs in my shoulder bone, and the spurs have narrowed the space in which the ball and socket joint move. The spurs have abraded the cuff and caused it to tear. This is a degenerative condition and, at age 70, not something that is likely to be treated with surgery. So the shots will have to suffice. My right arm is therefore not as able to do any work that requires a lot of strength. This is why, when the elderly fall, they may not be able to get up--because their arms are not strong enough to push/pull themselves upright.

I walk every day, weather permitting. In Texas we have a treadmill at home, so we walk every day. My goal is to take 10,000 steps a day. I pretty we'll make my goal at least 6 days a week.

I am still working for McGoodwin, Williams, and Yates, Consulting Engineers. In Texas I am able to work via email and phone. In AR input in face time, so I work a lot more hours while I'm here. Still, I work not much more than 20 hours a week maximum and usually not that much. I enjoy the work, and the money comes in handy. Plus, working at the office gives me a chance to interact professionally with other people , something which I miss.

The Texas house is voting along nicely. In the last year we had it painted inside and had laminate flooring pit in. My sewing loft is such a nice retreat for me. I like spending time there, even when I'm not sewing. We hope to put the AR house on the market next spring. I hope it sells quickly. It would be nice not to have two mortgage payments. Once the AR house sells, we 'll be able to afford a remodel of the matter bath in the Texas house. Then the Texas house will be pretty much the way we want it.

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