Friday, June 1, 2012

First weekend in apartment

We went to clinic yesterday, and had our first free weekend. It was nice to sleep a little later, be free of the hospital routine, and enjoy some time together. My sister stayed through breakfast on Saturday, then left for Houston. Ramiro and I stayed close to home, although we did go for a short walk around the tennis courts. All I have with me are my gold Naot sandals, and I wore those. Not the best for walking, so I'll need to have Ramiro bring me my Crocs the next time he goes home. I'm slowly losing some of the bloat, and feeling better every day. I've noticed that in the early afternoon I get a sort of general itchiness on my arms and legs. No hives, just a generalized itching. I don't know whether it's a drug reaction, a reaction to my skin being pulled so tight because of the bloating, or a reaction to the sun, which is pretty fierce. After only 3 days of walking in the sun, I noticed that I'm getting sun stripes on my feet! I've got to get some some screen. The antirejetion meds make me more susceptible to a lot of things, including skin cancer, so I've been told never to skip the sun screen. I just hadn't realized the sun around here would so quickly show up on my skin. My arms definitely look more brown! I've had no pain, no outward effects from the surgery or meds. I feel my strength returning, and I feel so much better than before the surgery! The nausea is gone, the bad taste is gone, and I've got a good appetite. Without the bad taste, food tastes so much better! I find that I am ready for each and every meal! I'm interested in being weighed on Monday, to see how much of this water weight I've lost. Sure hope I don't gain weight now that I'm on steroids and eating so well. Yesterday at clinic I'd lost down to about 110 lbs, which is a lot closer to my original weight. Still can't wear my regular clothes--the waist bands are too tight. A lot of the bloat is between my waist and legs. At home I stay in my jammies, and I wear adult diapers because I need lose clothing around the groin and the incision. By the weekend I seem to have gotten over the diarrhea, so that's a good feeling. The immodium did the trick!

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