Friday, June 1, 2012

Second weekend in apartment, third week anniversary of transplant

The weekends are so welcome because we are free from clnic visits and the early morning trips to Baylor. Saturday I cooked eggs for breakfast and it was nice to eat a good breakfast and our own coffee at home instead of at the clinic. Sunday we went to church at Trinity Episcopal. This is the first Sunday that Mother Carlye will preach. She is the new rector of this church. This was Trinity Sunday, and she rejoiced in being called to Trinity Church on Trinity Sunday. After church we went to Mary Margaret Stubblefield's house for lunch. She fixed a wonderful pot roast with potatoes, carrots, and onions. Her sister Betty and Betty's husbnd Louis Cabrera were there. Apparently Betty and Louis live in Weatherford, which is about 40 miles away. They attend church in FW on Sunday morning, then spend the rest of the day at MM's house so that they can be there for the Sunday evening service. MM had to go to a NarcAnon meeting (her son is in a drug rehab program) about 2 p.m., so that left me and Betty have some time together. Ramiro took a nap and Louis did some handy man work on MM's little rental apartment which she has now rented out to a single man. Betty told me about an incident in which MM's son (James) almost burned her house down. James had a car that needed repairs, and had asked MM to buy the parts needed to repair the car. She did, and then got someone to help him fix the car. MM had something to do and so she left the two of them working on the car out in her driveay. At one point James went into the kitchen to fix something to eat. Apparently he put something in a pot on the stove, turned it one, and forgot about it. Eventually the pot burned and caught the kitchen on fire. The other man noticed that there was smoke coming out the kitchen and asked James about it. Instead of investigating, James just ran away and the other man was left to check things out and call 911. A neighbor called MM to come home because her house was on fire! Betty says that to this day she does not believe that James has ever apolgized to his mom or even mentioned the incident. What hopes has MM for this son? Betty said that since then, James has come to MM asking to stay with her when he's run out of places to crash, but MM has told him that she cannot trust him at her home, and has turned him away. That's the kind of strength that she draws from NarcAnon. Even Fletcher, James father (MM's ex husband) won't let him stay at his house, and the most he'll do for him is get him a hotel room for a couple of days when he has no other place to go. Apparently James was in a hotel room back in December when MM and her daughter (Margaret Mary) went out to lunch. They decided to invite him, and the outcome of the lunch was that James said he was ready to turn his life around. The daughter knew someone from her church that was involveed in a faith-based drug rehab program and told James that if he was really serious about making a change, she would help him get in. So that's where James is now. It's not in FW, but it's not too far. MM goes out to see him one Sunday a month. She attends church with him, and on that Sunday there's a pot luck lunch for the patients and their families. According to MM he's doing well, but Betty said that some weeks ago he told MM's daughter that he couldn't wait to get out of there because they direct his every move, tell him what he can and can't do, and he feels like he's in prison. Given the fact that he has not made good decisions on his own, I can see that he needs every step to be directed by someone else. But whether he will learn how to make good choices from this kind of rehab is not clear. It sounds as if he will break loose when this program is over. Margaret Mary is married to a second husband. When she was married to her first husband, she had a daughter named Jennifer. Jennifer got married March 30, and MM showed me the wedding pictures. Jennifer is blond and tall and slender and totally anglo looking. Her dad is anglo and she married an anglo, so MM's hispanic genes are slowly getting diluted out of that line. MM said that Jennifer is pregnant and MM will soon be a great grandmother! I noticed that in one of the wedding pictures that Jennifer's husband has his hand placed on her belly, and I sondered if that meant she was already pregnant. Later I would learn that the baby is due in August so she was clearly pregnant in March.

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