Monday, October 31, 2011

Dialysis Seminar; Transplant Team Call

Ramiro and I attended a dialysis seminar on Oct. 27; tomorrow (Nov. 1) we are visiting the dialysis center to get a look at the various machines that are involved. Not looking forward to it; it's just a grim reminder that I'm at a stage I hoped I'd never reach. I've been feeling really well lately; well enough so that I can almost forget that there's anything wrong with me.

But today, Oct. 31, I got a jolting reminder about where I'm headed--I got a call from the University of Arkansas Medical School (UAMS) transplant team. My initial assessment appointment is scheduled for Nov. 16 in Little Rock. The morning will involve me and Ramiro; the afternoon will be for me to meet with all the physicians for a complete medical assessment.

I'll post again after tomorrow's visit to the dialysis center.

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