Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Every Tomorrow Has Two Handles

Tuesday, Oct. 18.  Today's Cryptoquip puzzle in the newspaper was "Every tomorrow has two handles. You can grasp it by the handle of anxiety, or you can grasp it by the handle of faith."  This really struck a chord with me, and I will attempt to reach for the handle of faith, rather than the handle of anxiety. I feel good today, and I want to have faith that tomorrow will be as good.

I spoke to my boss yesterday.Or rather, I tried to speak to him about quitting. He was all consumed by the fact that he has broken his leg and will need surgery. Eventually, he asked about me, and when I started to address the issue of hiring my replacement, he simply said "I don't think we need to do anything right now.  Let's wait to see what happens. This (dialysis) might never happen." He may be more in denial than I am! But I've come around to his way of thinking. Right now I feel fine, although I do tire more easily. But I am clearly able to work, and having a job to go to serves to keep me motivated and "up" in spirits. I'm afraid that if I stay home I'll start to simply feel sorry for myself. So for now, nothing has changed work wise.

We've taken the house off the market upon our realization that the market is going nowhere. It may be a couple of years before there is a demand for houses in our price range. So, we are talking to the bank and the credit union about refinancing to get a better rate. Might as well take advantage of that, and save a little money in the long run.  Still hoping to sell the lake house; maybe by next spring. If so, we could then buy a condo or cottage in Texas where we could spend the winter months when it is so cold here. Our first freeze is about to descend upon us; we expect temps in the mid 20's later this week. We need warmer temperatures in order to be able to walk outdoors for exercise.

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